The Cantilena Singers is a well-established chamber choir that performs regularly in Cambridge and the surrounding villages, now well into its fifth decade.
The choir rehearses weekly during school term time, and performs three or four concerts per year. The choir normally performs unaccompanied, with programmes mixing sacred and secular music drawn from all historical periods and spanning many different styles. Recent programmes have included works by Britten, Whitacre, Lauridsen, Byrd, Tallis, Palestrina, Finzi, Rutter, and many others.
The choir has been established for 40 years, and is committed to promoting the joy of choral singing. Find out more…
Our next concert
The choir’s next performance will be at St Nicholas’ Church, Great Wilbraham on Friday 21 March 2025 with a programme celebrating the 500th anniversary of the birth of Palestrina. Find out more…
Join us
We are always interested to hear from potential singers in all sections, but we are currently in particular seeking altos, tenors and basses. There is no formal audition process, and the only requirement is an enthusiasm for choral singing. You don’t even need to be able to read music, though it helps! Find out more…